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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Comment from the Son of Jason Whittle

The following comment was blocked as spam on September 20. The comment was posted under my article titled No More News About Jason Whittle. Since many people have read that article since September 20 and since the comment is informative, I will feature it here.
I am Noah Whittle, the son of Jason Whittle and grandson of Bonnie Kay Lada.

I would just like to say my grandmother never once bragged about sleeping with the actor / movie star Patrick Swayze. I couldn't even get her to tell me who my grandfather was until she was already passing away of cancer. Up until then, it was a "we don't speak of him" or "it doesn't matter".

I grew up my whole life not knowing who my grandfather was and if there is that slightest chance that my grandfather is Patrick Swayze.

For the sake of my family's name and who we are, I think we deserve to know the truth above all else.

My father never once asked for his picture to be placed on this magazine.
I edited the comment slightly to make it easier to read. You can read the comment's actual wording there.

The Globe article was not clear about when Bonnie Kay revealed that Jason's biological father was Patrick Swayze. Noah Whittle's comment clarifies that she did not do so until she was dying. She died in 2012 -- about three years after Swayze died.


Another comment -- which never was blocked -- from Jennifer Chinn indicates that people who have known Jason Whittle for a long time had no idea that he might be Swayze's son.
.... I'm distantly related to all of these people. However, I don't have a huge relationship with all of them because it [the family] is rather large.

I went to high school with Jason and graduated with him. .... It blows my mind that Jason could be his son.

It would be sad not getting to know Patrick as your father growing up. Such a huge resemblance. ...
These two comments indicate to me that Jason himself was not informed until 2012 and that he subsequently told very few -- if any -- other people.

So, Swayze probably never knew he had this biological son.


I apologize that Noah Wittle's comment has been blocked so long.

Since the comment was blocked as spam, it might be a hoax. Maybe Blogger recognized that the the comment was posted from a spam factory in Russia, or something like that.

I do not have any inside information from Blogger about the comment or about the commenter.

There was one other blocked comment, which I also unblocked.


This blog gets very few comments. The blog was created in 2008 and has only 48 comments -- an average of about five a year.

Even spam comments are received only rarely, and so I practically never look in the spam folder.

My settings always have been that anyone can comment and that comments are not moderated.

Anyone who wants to communicate with me outside of a comment can send me an e-mail at


To read my other articles about the Whittle family, click on the Whittle label on this page's right margin.


  1. My father Jason has had random people at random times mention he looks like a swayze. This has happened to him right in front of me more then once. This is our lives and we want to know the truth. This is not a hoax this is something we are pursuing because all of us would like to know the truth. How many people can say they have grown up not knowing who their father was? There is a lot I'm sure. But for those who grew up without a father and know what this is like wouldn't you like to know? My dad has lost hours, days of sleep wondering who he is, who his DNA belongs to. He grew up with someone who didn't raise him as his own he grew up with siblings who all knew their parents both of them all of his siblings my aunts and auncles know who their parents are I wished my father got that chance to know who his father was what he was like or even what his smile looked like. My father has raised me to the best of his power and has done an outstanding job. Please don't portray our real lives as a hoax this is real.

    1. I didn't mean to portray your real lives as a hoax.

      I meant only to caution people that I cannot verify the identities of people who write comments on this blog.

      I believe that you are Noah Whittle, but some hoaxster might pretend to be Noah Whittle and write comments here.

    2. Noah. You gotta let them think what they want... They will anyway. Love you.

    3. Looks nothing like a swayze

    4. Dear Noah Whittle, your family will have to ask one of Patrick Swayze's brother's for DNA. Since Patrick was cremated and his ashes were put on his land if no DNA was left prior to 2009. Its not hard to do, I've done can find out who your Uncles and Aunts where. Male DNA doesn't change on the Y chromosome, for females its a bit different. Even you can get it if you had too. Goodluck! Hopefully once settled, his family will back you up!

    5. Sorry about the spelling, I meant were*.

    6. Hmmm....wonder if you could get a DNA test of your dad & Patrick Swayze's mother; I think she is still around & very loving.

    7. You can easily file documents in court obtaining a court order for a DNA test due to the fact of a possible inheritance that originally went to Patrick's wife Lisa. I have seen many court cases like this and since he had a will and whatever left behind then that alone will be able to help him file in court for them to revisit his will and a DNA court order requesting any living relative of Patrick's to adhere to the order to resolve any living relative aka heir

    8. Noah: I can really understand your wanting to know where you come from as my mother is adopted. I have been told many times that I look like Jamie Lee Curtis and I can guarantee that I am not related to her in any way. My brother as a young man looks like Patrick and we are not related. So, you can't go by looks. Have your dad go after dna testing to see if it is true or not. That will at least answer some questions for you and may even lead you to where you need to go. Best of luck to you and your family.

    9. There's an easy way to learn about the Swayze family. Look up the Jersey Settlers in Natchez, Mississippi. Adams County. :)

    10. Noah have you had a DNA test yet? If not why are you waiting if you truly believe it for god sake get it done.

    11. Please have him get a good attorney Patrick still has his brother alive that can do his DNA I pray that you fight for what by rights belong to your family from Lisa she is no longer his widowed she remarried Good Luck

    12. I am sorry. Is everyone BLIND? This guy looks NOTHING, NOTHING, LIKE Patrick Swayze. Someone really screwed with his head by putting this thoughts in his head.
      Completely different facial features, Patricks features were sharp, detailed. The guy who claims to be his son has a round face.

  2. I can understand that I just want people to know for anyone reading this article you have published that it's not a hoax this is something we want to find out, this is something we didn't bring upon ourselves.

    1. If I were you, and I desperately wanted to know who my father or grandfather was, no matter the consequence I would go to the end of the world to find out. The truth deserves to be known. Fight for it. Make it known if you have to. If you truly believe in this, voice it as much as you can, however you can.

    2. Use social media as an outlet, it's so much more powerful these days. The publicity, whether it be positive or negative, will get you what your looking for. Take it to everyone you find. Screw the judgement it may bring. Your family needs answers.

    3. So what happened to the DNA test ?

    4. He looks nothing like a swayze.

    5. You need to get hold of your fathers dad( Patrick Swayze) and get a DNA test. He has brothers who can help you. Or you get in contact with them. You could also see if you are related to them. It's always nice to meet family members you didn't know were there. Good luck.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So what happened to the DNA test???

  5. Sounds like a very fake story...

  6. Info:Don is Patrick's brother, If Patrick's family really wants to know if Patrick had a son to carry his family line on in this life, Have Don and Jason do a DNA
    Test, IT WILL TELL!! Do It
    What do you have to loss!
    Families Are Forever
    Ask. Don

    1. I agree ask Don he will gladly do a DNA he's looks like a man that would love to see his brother Patrick's son,and grandson

  7. Sounds like someone is after money

    1. Or we just want to figure out who we are? Your ignorance is bliss.

    2. Judgmental there Mr. No name. The picture I saw of Patrick and Noah made our breath catch in our throat. The only difference was Patrick's face was a little longer and I believe it was the son's picture was a tad more o the square side. They looked so much alike it was unbelievable. I hope you do not give up trying to learn the truth.

    3. Oh bull shyt, they look nothing alike..

    4. Oh bull shyt they look nothing alike.

    5. Pretty sure this wouldn’t even be a thing if my dad didn’t look exactly like him? My dad has had random people ask if he was related to Patrick at random times throughout his life. My dad grew up without a father, without his biological last name, has lost sleep thinking about who his dna belonged to have u ever layed awake at night and wondered who ur father was. I’m sure u haven’t most people are born And their father is the first thing they see. Imagine never getting to see your father, imagine being told a name and everyone thinking you are crazy because of something u have been told that you belive. Does this make sense as to why nobody on this blog deserves to know the truth other then the people I call my immediate family. This blog is useless and I can ask for it to be taken down at any time. It’s got my picture in it along with my families picture in it witch we....never asked for. Pretty sure that’s ALMOST violating my privacy😁 a dna test will happen. As to anyone of you finding out the results... I could care less. To the people who belive my families story thank you I appreciate it and we are thankful for the support.

    6. Omg your family were the ones that sold this story to the tabloids you little upstart.

    7. look at the picture in this link. This is who Jason whittle looks like. Not Patrick! Nice try though.


  8. I'm confused with the post above by Jr Robin on July 15th 2018. Asking Don or Jason to do a DNA test will never show Swayze's DNA - so just how do you figure this? To prove genetics you need DNA from BOTH parents, unless I'm missing something here. Equally I'm angered over the post by "Anonymous" posted on July 16th 2018 - seriously? You're beyond ignorant, rude and a creep to even say such stuff. What is your point? Unless of course you're afraid that Swayze's wife might lose a few bucks after treating Patrick like a monster. She certainly didn't stick by him in SICKNESS and health. He died a horrible death from cancer but I'm sure the cancer was easier to bear than the treatment she gave him. How dare you!! If you want to see a money hungry cold hearted dirt-bag, dog her on her social sites. To Noah Whittle, my condolences for the pain of you all living without knowing - but there is a "work-around" of finding out that most don't think of or know. I have a close friend who by "accident" found out the father he believed was his never was his biological father. Both his mother and biological father passed away with the secrets many years ago. My friend is only learning this now at age 54. There is a way, but I won't post here any info because I do respect people's right to privacy.

    1. Yes, you are missing something. Ancestry DNA, as well as others. All one has to do is submit their DNA there and see who they match.

      Of course someone from Swayze's side would have had to have tested, but it doesn't have to be from his direct line. I'm sure there as to people someone who has tested somewhere in his gene pool. The test would reveal the truth.

    2. A skilled researcher could determine this with an test #dna_enthusiast

    3. Boy are you missing something big time. Any DNA test worth its salt will show the siblings of a parents and their relationship to that child be at niece or nephew. It will also show the grandparents DNA which is the irrefutable. Study zoology. Study pathology. Study genetics. Please don't make any more uninformed statements as fact.

    4. Both parents do not have to be tested in order to find out paternity. Any living relative such as Patrick's brother or any other living relative such as his mother if she is still living would be a start. This is how I have seen it in paternity courts. They test any living biological relative on the fathers side to determine paternity even after the father is deceased.

  9. The way DNA works is, they can see if Patrick's brother, Don, and Jason, the alleged son, have enough markers to show a close familial match.

    As to the allegations against Patrick's wife, this shows not only your ignorance of simple science, it also shows your belief in any conspiracy theory no matter how much evidence to the contrary is available.

    Also, asking what ever became of the DNA more than a year after the article is quite a legitimate question.

  10. seems strange that the family ran to a magaine to pulish this story if they wanted to keep it private.

  11. He looks nothing like a Swayze. And why bring Patrick's wife into this.

  12. I'm sorry but as far as Patrick's wife it's been speculated that this woman beat him while he was dying and she sold his house to someone else even though Patrick's family told her they would like to buy it for sentimental reasons. That woman would be no help at all. I think your best bet would be Patrick's brother if he's willing.

    1. Unknown, your comment is just crap. You know nothing about these people so for you to sit there and say Patrick's wife beat him or that she did something inappropriate with her own property after he died is pretty low. It's not your life, you don't know a THING about these people, and Patrick isn't hear to speak up for the woman he was married to for over 30 years. No way a loving couple of 34 years goes out with the wife beating the husband who is dying cancer. That is nothing but tabloid gossip and the fact that you go around repeating it says a LOT about you.

    2. I believe that Lisa did abuse him the will was done over again right before he died at that state of his cancer he could not lift his hand to sign a new will,and read what it said? under all the medicine he took in his final days Patrick would have never left his family nothing be smart people he was not that kind of man however Lisa sold everything right away including the Mercedes from the movie Roadhouse that he gave her as a loving gift she grew up with little means of money then pow to the moon became rich she remarried and gave nothing to his family boots,that belong to Patrick his mother wanted them instead she sold them think about that

  13. Are they going to be sued for slander if this is all false, like it sounds like..

  14. seriously about $$$ Would you not want to know? I sure would. I feel that if it was about $, he would have popped up in 2009 after Swayze died. His mother should have said something when Patrick was sick. He should have known he begat a child.

  15. DNA tests for sure..The end..Fear of the result is the only hold back..

  16. I'm guessing he already tested and is keeping the results private, which makes sense. After all, he only wanted to know for his own sake, not the entire worlds.

    I see a resemblance with Jason, especially to one of Patrick's brothers. Many people look nothing like their parents.

  17. He looks nothing like Patrick and if they wanted to keep it private then we wouldn’t know about it, just hungry for 15 minuets of game and hoping to get money out of it.
    I hope they all receive the Karma train

    1. My dad looks exactly like Patrick u are ignorant once again this wouldn’t be a thing if he didn’t look exactly like him.

    2. Looks nothing like him,

    3. Patrick was handsome, this whittle guy is ugly.

    4. To the anonymous person hiding behind your device because you don't have enough balls to reveal who you truly are. You are extremely ignorant, rude and an arrogant troll who has nothing else better to do. I see the resemblance especially his nose they are the same as well as the creases in the corners of his eyes the same and so forth.

    5. AnonymousDecember 22, 2018 at 2:57 AM
      We personally know Ron and lebetta whittle. I seriously doubt this story is fact. Seems Jason is seeking his 15 minutes of fame and money being they all live in run down homes. Truth probably is you never heard anything more because the DNA test proved no relation.


      AnonymousDecember 22, 2018 at 3:16 AM
      Probably seeking more meth and crack money based on how Ron is. Can't help but lmfao at this. It's so absurd. Probably trying to get money to build his meth lab on w hwy at his mom's place in Barnett.

    6. You obviously have issues with the family itself given that you're trash-talking people in at least their 70s. Given that Jason was a football star and
      he made his own money I doubt he needs an extra 15 minutes of fame. Nor does he need the money but if DNA proves it then he's entitled to it. Again you're just being hateful to the family. What's the matter of one of their sons date you and they wouldn't let him marry you? Hold on to a 40-year vendetta?

  18. If he is proven to be Patrick's son, he should inherit. Period.

    1. In knew a girl that was identical spitting image 100 % more than I see is there proof of them knowing each other

    2. Entièrement d'accord ! L'ex épouse de Patrick est mariée avec un Autre homme. Ce n'est plus la femme de Patrick. Le fils de Patrick doit se battre !

  19. Was there ever fact that they new each other

  20. Never knew Patrick Swayze had a son. Came across an article on famous people's children grown up and he was the last one. IMO, he does have his eyes to a T..I came across this blog after googling the name. Seems like there's always those few ignorant ppl who like to go on blogs like this just to be assholes and get a rise out of ppl..I prob won't ever return to this blog so I'd like to say I hope you all find the answers that will let you feel at peace.

  21. Why make a big deal out of someone who may or may not be conceived out of a one night stand. How embarrassing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why is that embarrassing? Ur comments are embarrassing. I feel sorry for ur parents being forced to raise if an ignoramus such as yourself.

  22. The whittle say she had a one night stand in April, but he did not join Disney till may, go figure.

  23. It's been years, why no test done yet if it was even remotely true? Would think a judge would have ordered a test if there is money involved for reasons of inheritance.

  24. DNA is something you need to fallow through with .
    Don is a honorable man.
    If you are truly family then you need to be recognized.
    Good luck

  25. I found my Father's long lost half Sister on 23andme in 2013. She knew she was adopted out, had her Mother's maiden name and even had contacted her, but was rebuked We had no idea she existed until 2011 when his stepmother admitted to the adoption. I put my DNA online a few months after her passing not expecting to get this hit. DNA tests between her and my Dad's younger brother a full sibling proved the match to a degree of 99.925% they shared same parents. DNA is amazing. Good Luck

  26. A very good reason Bonnie May have kept her secret was personal. Patrick and Lisa struggled to conceive and it never happened. Perhaps Bonnie did not want to lose her son. She had no money for a custody battle, why not keep her son close. I feel bad for Patrick but his son may have ended up with Lisa as a step-mother.

  27. Sounds to me like Jason and his family just wants to know who his father was. Not necessarily to "inherit" anything. My guess is that a DNA test may have already been done, and he's keeping the results under wrap. He knows the answer now and doesn't need any more clarification. It's not Jason's job to settle our curiosity. I hope the family finds peace and the answers they were seeking.

  28. Anonymous,
    I’ve met Jason a few times I don’t know him well but he seems like a nice guy running a legitimate business.
    Why are you so negative about this?
    Are you related to Lisa and afraid you’ll lose some inheritance? Let the facts play out.

  29. There are 2 Jason whittle, I think you'll find find your talking about the wrong Jason here..

    1. You have to much time on your pathetic little hands. Funny you have all this bullshit to talk but don't even have the balls to have a name, you coward.

  30. Dude quit bullying and torturing his kid cause you don’t like Jason @ anonymous

  31. You sound like a typical anonymous bully. I’ve got one of you. Shut up. We get it. You don’t like Jason, you don’t want him to be his son. Grow up

  32. This is his goddaughter, Ember Maness, Jason was and still is my late father's best friend, not to mention Jason is my 2nd cousin, and I've always always called him uncle Jason.. For those of you wishing the best for him and his family, thanks, but as for you Me. Anonymous, you think you know so much, if you were down from the lake you would know which of the Jason Whittles their talking about. Cause not both of them look identical to Patrick Swayze.. My uncle and my cousin Noah look just like Patrick. So I'm sorry if your confused or maybe need your eyes checked cause you can't see the resemblance. It just amazes me how any of you think you have the right to talk shit or deny what you can clearly see with your own eyes!

    1. Just read that a DNA test proved no relation.

    2. Where did you read that? Curious.

    3. On a Facebook Swayze page. Apparently confirmed by the Swayze family.

  33. Just have the DNA and be done with it.

  34. There is MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. It is carried in EVERY SINGLE FAMILY MEMBER. It will show if he is related to Patrick's family. All persons related to Patrick's mother will have it. It requires no DNA from Patrick, or Jason's mother. It is used in the Criminal Justice System 100's of THOUSANDS of times. It is 100% accurate.

  35. I think all of this is ridiculous. FIRST if you are serious abt finding out the truth...just take a SIMPLE ANCESTRY dna test...2ndly FTDNA...lastly 23&Me.
    Im sure someone can afford 100 bucks.
    Look at your DNA matches for gods sake.
    See what surnames come up. Your DNA matches someone. I am completely certain you have matches.
    Get on with it for Gods sake unless you have something to hide or your uncertain.
    You can't tell anything from looks anyhow. Its quite possible you could be a 1st cousins child or 2nd cousins could share features with a gr gr gr ancestor and not really anyone closely related.
    Big deal abt what? Its so simple and easy. Geesh.
