Friday, January 24, 2020

The Development of Lisa's Political Rebellion -- Part 6

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5


When Lisa Houseman was 15 years old in October 1959, she and her mother Marjorie visited the new Guggenheim Museum while shopping together in Manhattan. This visit sparked in Lisa a fascination with modern architecture, design and art.

Every teenage girl should have a personal style, and Lisa decided that her own personal style was Modern. She would decorate her own body and her surroundings with her Modern style.

Although she still was a teenager, Lisa felt that her Modern style made her appear more adult. Her style distinguished herself even more from little sister, Baby, who still dressed and acted like a little girl.

Lisa was delighted whenever her Mother agreed with a suggestion to select something Modern when buying some object for their home. For this reason, Lisa loved to go shopping with her Mother.

Lisa decided she would study visual arts in college. Later, after she raised her family, she would use her college degree to get hired into a career where she would employ her artistic taste, talents and education.


Continued in Part 7

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