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Monday, July 15, 2019

The Fans' Love Story -- Part 3

Following Part 1 and Part 2


In her informative book The Fans' Love Story, Sue Tabashnik characterizes fans of the movie Dirty Dancing. She reports some statistics about the 186 fans who responded to her Internet questionnaire, and she provides transcripts of interviews of 22 fans (all women) who have watched the movie dozens of times.
Age 17 = "over 500 times"

Age 24 = "51-100 times"

Age 26 = "over 500 times"

Age 30 = "2-15 times"

Age 32 = "101-500 times"

Age 34 = "over 500 times"

Age 35 = "16-50 times"

Age 36 = "countless times"

Age 37 = "around ten times"

Age 41 = "101-500 times"

Age 41 = "countless times"

Age 51 = "16-50 times"

Age 53 = 51-100 times"

Age 54 = "101-500 times"

Age 55 = "16-50 times"

Age 57 = "16-50 times"

Age 60 = more than "150 times"

Age 62 = "101-500 times"

Age not specified = "51-100 times"

Age 75 = "51-100 times"

Age 83 = "51-100 times"
Tabashnik's book lists these women in order of age, just as I have done above. She conducted the interviews in or around the year 2008 -- about two decades after the movie was released (1987).


Based on the questionnaires and interviews, Tabashnik lists the reasons why the movie is so loved:
1. The artistry of the movie

2. Patrick Swayze

3. The love story

4. The haven

5. The messages

6. The time-frame -- 1963

7. The inspiration to dance

8. The overall feel-good effect
For each reason, Tabashnik provides respondents' illustrative statements. Below are excerpts from four of the eight reasons.


The love story
“It is the ultimate love story. . . the best thing about this movie is that you see this love as it grows. . . and you become part of it.. . This movie makes me believe that there is still hope for every person to find the love of their life it is keeping our faith in love strong and everlasting.”

“It is a pure love story.”

“It made me think that maybe I could have something like that when I got older (was fourteen when she started watching Dirty Dancing and is now happily married to the man of her dreams).

“There are many reasons I like the movie. Mostly the love story between two opposites as in Romeo and Juliet. . . I identified with it due to my own love story with my husband, David.”

“In such a controversial and material world, the role of love is worth to be mentioned. I love the kind of men that have the guts to fight for love.”

The haven

(Tabashnik: What I am calling the haven is also referred to by the interviewees as: an escape, a place where I feel safe, and a lifeline.)
North and South and Dirty Dancing have been escapes for me.. . they’ve been havens.. . It’s kind of like a favorite food, or a blanket or a cup of hot chocolate.. . And he (Patrick) has helped create those places through his art — just to watch him dance.”

Dirty Dancing takes me to a place away from life’s problems and takes me to a place that I feel safe . . . It helped me through my cancer treatment.”

”. .. because of the way Dirty Dancing made me feel, it helped me through a very terrible personal health ordeal, during which I almost died. . . when I was in the theater, I could smile and feel good, safe and healthy for a few hours. The movie really became a kind of lifeline for me.”

“I was in a low period, and it upped my spirit and mood.”

The movie also helped two people — Mallory and Doreen (age 75) from UK — lose a significant amount of weight. Doreen commented that it may have saved her life as the weight loss helped her deal with a cardiac problem.

”. . . when I am feeling lonely, I just love to stay in bed and enjoy this wonderful film.”

“I had a difficult childhood, and when I would turn on the VCR, I instantly stepped into Johnny and Baby’s world. It kept me together.”

The messages

(Tabashnik: The messages category touches on values, ethics, and ways one can live life in a positive manner.)
“It fortified my resolve that I will always do the right thing.”

“Baby stood up for what is right. Americans are losing their morals. We need some heroes. .. It’s the kind of ethics that you want to instill in your kids. Johnny worked hard and had good ethics. It also shows that learning new things can be fun.”

“I think in the end, it showed people are about doing the right thing.”

“I think the film shows you that we are all different people from different backgrounds but at the same time we can all learn something from one another . . . People can sometimes make themselves come across as something they are not in order to protect themselves. I think it teaches and makes you realize never to judge people without knowing them.”

“Bad boys’ aren’t really bad. It’s a mask they wear. .. If you get beyond the facade, you will find sincerity, compassion, and also many hard knocks.”

“I had to become forty-one years old to tell my parents my point of view, not accepting bad compromises. And now I feel comfortable with my decision.”

“Dreams can come true.”

“The movie is a positive statement of possibilities.”

“Dreams really do come true.”

"The movie gives the person the feeling that you can be anything you want to be.”

The time-frame — 1963
“It reminded me of things from my past. It took me back to a time arid place where things were simpler.”

“It was the time-frame. It was 1963. . . I also come from a Jewish family and Mountain Lake looked just like the Catskills. . . I’ve lived that... I worked in the Catskills. . . in college’

“I remember the era. I was too young to be part of it, so Dirty Dancing let me live vicariously. It is an age before our world view became more cynical?’

"It was a less stressful time."

To give you a taste of Tabashnik's interview, I provide one entire interview below. I selected it just because it is relatively short.

AGE 51. Lives in Idaho.

May 2009 (e-mail interview).

Has seen Dirty Dancing 16 — 50 times.

What year did you first see Dirty Dancing? How old were you? Did someone tell you about the movie or you just happened to hear about it? Did you initially watch It by yourself or with someone else?

Honestly, I don’t remember the year. We went to the theater to see it and I was amazed at the incredible talent of Patrick Swayze. I wanted to be his partner! He was sexy but kind, in an innocent way. I went home and danced for hours. I bought the soundtrack when it came out and have worn out threel My entire family went to see the movie. Even my father loved it.

Why do you like Dirty Dancing so much?

It teaches that we need to not judge someone based on their looks or attitude. “Bad boys” aren’t really bad. It’s a mask they wear. A sort of protection, if you will. If you get beyond the facade, you will find sincerity, compassion and also many hard knocks. People can rise above their circumstances and they can change their stars.

The love and gentleness that is shown to Baby is endearing.

How has Dirty Dancing impacted you personally?

[She marked on the Internet questionnaire:] “has given hope that love exists” and “has given hope that people will do the right thing”

Please tell me what about your involvement with dance. Please elaborate on how Patrick Swayze inspired you.

Dirty Dancing inspired me to take lessons. I wanted to be more free in movement and not so blocked in certain steps. Dirty Dancing and Patrick Swayze inspired me to be free in my dancing and to let go of fears. Through Patrick, I have been more confident in myself and have enjoyed the beauty of dance in all forms.

My husband and I have taken dance lessons and we are into ballroom, salsa, and of course, dirty dancing. Most of the students are 30+ single moms.

I had taken ballroom in high school and did well, especially with swing’. Michael (my husband) and I chose to take lessons together after Dirty Dancing. Michael had been dancing for many years when I met him. We met on a blind date. He was in an original dinner theater production, Not the Count of Monte Cristo in Arizona. He danced and sang. I had just come from Hawaii and had been doing disco there. We blended our dancing together and took lessons.

Please tell me how Dirty Dancing and Patrick Swayze inspired an at-risk teen to dance.

My husband and I were guardians of a fourteen-year-old girl who came to us from an unstable and emotionally abusive home. The first night here she wanted to watch Dirty Dancing. We put it on and she sat transfixed. After the movie, we took the soundtrack and played it. She began dancing like Baby. It was amazing to see her so comfortable and feeling sure of herself.

During her stay with us we would let her “dirty dance.” She watched the movie at least fifteen times while here and got better and better with her dancing. She is now in dance class that we are paying for and she has gone from D’s and F’s to B’s. She feels better about herself and seems to be moving in a good direction in her life. Perhaps some day she will use her dancing talents to find her dream, and perhaps she will be able to inspire others like the movie inspired her. She is still watching Dirty Dancing every week.

She looks at boys and compares them to Patrick Swayze. He is the “model of a real man” in her opinion. I have to agree. They broke the mold when he was made.

In addition to Dirty Dancing, are there movies that you have you seen multiple times? If so, is Patrick in them? And how many have you seen multiple times?

Road House, seen it at least fifteen times.

Ghost, I have seen at least one hundred times!

We have also watched Ever After over fifty times!

Willow at least twenty.

Chicago, dozens of times.

Have you ever met Patrick Swayze or anyone from the cast? If so, what was It like?

No, we have not had the honor of meeting him or anyone from the cast.

In 1993, my husband took master classes from Patsy Swayze (Patrick’s mom) at her dance studio. She was fantastic. He said it was awe- inspiring to dance where someone like Patrick Swayze had learned. The energy there was awesome. He also attended another master class at the studio hosted by ABT.

Will you continue to watch Dirty Dancing?

Yes, at least three to four times a year, if not more.

What do you think about Dirty Dancing, the movie being made into the stage production, and do you plan to see the stage production?

It will be hard for anyone to be like Patrick. However, Adam Lambert would be fantastic in the role.

Yes, we would go see it, definitely.

Do you think a movie sequel could be made?

NO. Don’t mess with perfection.

Is there anything else you want to say about Dirty Dancing?

The movie gives a person the feeling that you can be anything you want to be. You don’t have to be locked into a stereotype. There is so much out there to enjoy and experience if we allow ourselves the opportunity to be free. Everyone should be able to “dance” and be “like the wind.”

Additional Demographic Information

Marital status: Married

Education: Grad School

Occupation/Profession: Writer and animal rescuer

Official Patrick Swayze international Fan Club member: Since 1995

The book can be ordered from various booksellers, including directly from its publisher, Outskirts Press.


I will continue this article in Part 4.

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