Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The 11 Stages Of Watching 'Dirty Dancing' For The First Time

An article published on the Odyssey website


Dirty Dancing is one of those iconic 80's movies that taught everyone how to truly have the time of their life. If they have seen it, that is. For anyone who is still sitting in their own iconic corner, here is what you can expect the first time you see Dirty Dancing. From my eyes to yours.

1. Anticipation

I have heard so much about this movie and I really want to know how dirty this dancing is and whose baby everyone is talking about.

2. Surprise

Baby is apparently the main character. This comes as a shock, but now I am almost 100% sure I am going to change my name to Baby as well.

3. Amazement / Jealousy

Who can possibly bend like this? Also, can I own every single one of Baby’s outfits and find a hot guy every time I awkwardly carry a fruit?


[The article continues with the following stages.]

4. Irritation

5. Confusion

6. Planning

7. Disappointment

8. Ear Love

9. Shock

10. Depression

11. Extreme Joy and Satisfaction

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