Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Change of Blogger

I write this blog with a Google application called Blogger. In May 2020, Google announced that the application was being updated.

I tried the updated version and found that it worked badly. For me, the biggest problem was that the updated version did not accept many YouTube videos. There were many other problems.

However, Google allowed blog-writers to continue to use the old version instead of the updated version. In recent days, however, blog-writers must use the updated version. 

I am dismayed. I have just begun to use the updated version, hoping that the problems have been solved since May.

Below are some discussions of the problems in the updating of Blogger

Google's NEW Blogger interface does not work properly!

11 Huge Reasons to AVOID Blogspot in 2020

What Happened To Blogger?

The third discussion includes the following passage.

Blogger overall looks defunct, neglected. And Google has a history of killing great things despite being used by many: Google+, Google Reader, and Inbox to name a few. ... 

 Here’s my theory as to what is going on. Two major things have caused Google to ignore Blogger and let it flounder. 

First, Google+. The company was all-in on their major social network, weaving it into every other Google product. The resources expended on it left little room for much else. Then it slowly declined into oblivion. Meanwhile, Blogger was tossed around in that maelstrom. 

The other thing is that while social media took over the internet, publishing and media as we knew it fundamentally changed. The paradigm shift left blogging upended, thus Blogger became less important.

Somehow, after all this, Blogger still exists. It has survived; I’d love to see it thrive. But at this point, even if it dies, I just want to know one way or the other. What’s up with Blogger these days, does it have a future or not?

I just do not understand why Google is ruining Blogger.

Monday, September 7, 2020

The "Dirty Dancing Situation" in the Movie The Choice

The 2016 movie The Choice, based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, includes a discussion of "the Dirty Dancing situation", which is a pregnancy that must be dealt with.

The "Dirty Dancing Situation" is discussed
beginning at about 2:00 in this video